It can improve the operation success if there is a pedicled muscle flap or omentum majus between the skin flap and the artificial materials. 并在皮瓣与人工材料之间应有肌瓣或大网膜相隔,能提高手术成功率。
Preventing tumor recurrence following liver resection of small HCC by injecting Mitomycin-C through omentum majus vein 肝切除术中经大网膜静脉注射丝裂霉素预防小肝癌术后肿瘤复发
Methods: Mainly adopted the autologous transplantation into omentum majus. 方法:主要采用自体脾组织块网膜包埋法。
Four suffered from sticky omentum majus syndrome; 大网膜粘连综合征4例;
Methods: Flow cytometry was used to determine the expression of E-CD 、 CD44 in 41 cases of ovarian cancers and their omentum majus. Controled by 33 cases of benign ovarian tumors. 方法:应用流式细胞术对41例卵巢癌组织及其大网膜组织的ECD、CD44进行了检测,对照检测了33例卵巢良性肿瘤组织。
An experience in prevention of gastro-esophageal anastomotic leakage and stricture with single-layered wide-edge anastomosis and the omentum majus coverage 单层宽边吻合加盖大网膜预防食管胃吻合口瘘及狭窄
An Applied Anatomy Study of Intracranial Transplantation with Free Omentum Majus 游离大网膜颅内移植术的应用解剖学研究
Results Intraperitoneal cystic lesions was 3 patients, including of 2 cases of the giant the omentum majus cyst, 1 mesenteric cystis. 结果腹腔内囊性占位3例,其中2例巨大的大网膜囊肿,1例肠系膜囊肿。